Kaayada / Unnakkaya

It is a sweet dessert made of plantain. It is originated from Malabar region of India, often eaten for Iftar and other festivals.
  • Banana - 2
  • Coconut - 1/2 cup
  •  Raisnis - few
  • Cardamom Powder - 1/2 tsp
  • Sugar - 2 tbsp

1.Steam banana and mash it well.

2.Heat a pan and add sugar. Add some water just to soak it . Stir well and it well turn to syrupy.

3.Add coconut, raisin and cardamom powder and mix it well. Remove it from fire.

4. Take a small ball amount from mashed banana and spread it in palm. Apply some ghee in hands, so it wont stick.

5.Take coconut mixture and place it in flattened banana. Wrap it to give a spindle shape.

6.Heat oil and fry the piece till golden brown.


  1. Really yummy......long ago this Kozhikodan snack entered my heart......always postponing due to laziness..... This time bookmarking.....


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